These 1/2 Inch ID Name Labels work great on School wear, Sportswear or Workwear with their bold lettering. Available in a wide range of both lettering and label colours, they make identifying garments quick, even for partially sighted people. The labels are available in BLOCK capital letters.
How big is 1/2 Inch? 12mm.
These 1/2 Inch ID Name Labels are available in packs of 36, 72, and 144 Labels.
Fun Fact: Stan Avery, Aged 90, in 1935, invented a machine to make self-adhesive labels. The machine was powered by a motor from a washing machine, parts of a sewing machine and a saber saw.
If you are after bigger ID Name Labels, check out our One Inch ID Name Labels.
The labels are only available in BLOCK capital letters, apart from lower case a and c. Up to 25 letters and spaces.